In this section, we want to request your collaboration in improving these pages and increase the diffusion of initiatives of Asociación de Empresarios Hoteleros de la Costa del Sol. Therefore, we would appreciate if you could get in touch with this form.
Also, if you would like to get in touch with us you can do so at the following addresses:
Javier Hernández Rodríguez , Executive Vice-President
C/ Rio Salazar, nº6 Torre III 3ª Planta
29620 Torremolinos – Málaga CIF G-29073954
Phone : 952381700
Our offices
Contact form
In accordance with Organic Law 15/1999, 13 December, of the Protection of Personal Information, we inform you of the information that you provide us will be incorporated into a file, property of AEHCOS, at the address calle Río Salazar, No. 6 Torre III, 3ª Planta, 29620 Torremolinos – Malaga; Ph: 952381700 y Fax.952374026 , e-mail:, with the purpose of informing you of the contents of the programs that the business produces and its products and services, carrying out commercial promotions, projects, future events, courses and activities that are carried out from AEHCOS.
You may at any time exercise your right to access, correction, deletion and opposition to your information with an accredited letter of your identity, sent to AEHCOS at the same address mentioned above. For information purposes, it is referred to as the AEHCOS File Manager.
For more information, visit our Responsibility and Legal Information page.