Dirección: C/ Horacio Quiroga, 29004 - Málaga
Teléfono: 952 10 51 55
Fax: 952 17 05 05
Director/Directora: Sabela Eslava
Located 5 min. from the airport, 2 min. from the Congress Palace and 3 km. of the beach. Easy access to the city center.
Very well located only 5 min. away from the airport,2 min. away from the Congress Center and7 km. away from the beaches. Easy access to the city centre.
Very well located only 5 min. away from the airport,2 min. away from the Congress Center and7 km. away from the beaches. Easy access to the city centre.
Servicios adicionales:
Snacks 24 hours.
139 rooms with full bathroom, air conditioning, heating, foreign channels, direct telephone.