Amongst its goals, the portal wants full accessibility of their content to people with disabilities or who are elderly, in conformance with the Law of Services for Information and Electronic Commerce Society in regards to what’s available for Public Administration Websites.
Our pages have been designed and reviewed according to the standards defined in the ‘Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0’ document, dictated by the work group WAI which belongs to the WC3 Consortium. The goal of these guidelines is to facilitate access to information offered on the Internet to the largest amount of people possible. Likewise, the web has been inspected with the Spanish tool TAW (Web Accessibility Test).
It has tried to achieve coherent navigation of the entire website, adhering to the same structural plans in all pages. They have also included direct links for accessing the content on the pages and when possible, have avoided using Javascript for interacting with the site.
Likewise, they have separated the information on their graphic presentation so that users, who want to, can navigate through their content faster, disabling the download of style pages in their browser.
Naturally, we are aware that the accessibility of this portal can be improved and we are working on that. We invite you to help us with this effort with your comments or suggestions. If you have a problem related to accessing the content, or detect a non-compliance with some verification point at the specified level of the WAI Guidelines, we ask that you write a brief email to: